Solutions for individuals


To make the right choices you need to ask the right questions. And because your life keeps changing, we keep on asking. Let’s have a conversation to discover where you are today and uncover new opportunities to pursue the future you want.

Let’s talk

We’re ready to help

What we offer

Financial planning

A collaborative experience providing insightful advice tailored to your specific needs.

Education planning

Pay college expenses for generations while keeping an eye on your overall financial goals.

Long-term care planning

Addressing long-term care today to help secure your financial future tomorrow.

Retirement planning

Build a plan that adapts and adjusts to remain on track as economic events and your life change.

Estate planning

Enjoy the benefits of your success today while providing for others in the future. 


Investing intelligently to provide for your needs and help you reach your goals.


Discover how investing, cash management and financing can work together for you.

Mortgage planning

The right home financing solution is a critical aspect of the full financial picture.

Our approach

UBS Wealth Way

It starts with a conversation about what’s most important to you. Your answers help shape the three key strategies we can create together—for today, tomorrow and generations to come.

Advice. Beyond investing.

Then, we identify a diverse range of solutions to support those strategies and deliver.

Let's talk

Explore how our expert advice can help you reach your financial goals.